Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The suspense is killing me!

Since we are now less than 2 hours from the contest deadline, I've decided to unveil my potholder beauty. I have been on the edge of my seat for days in anticipation for the end of the contest. I can't wait to find out the results, and even if I don't win, I can't wait to see the winning potholders for inspiration!

So... drum roll please....

It was really fun creating this potholder! The concept came about when I was talking to my husband and explaining the contest. I mentioned how much I hate when I've got the kitchen timer going off and I can't seem to find two potholders, then trying to find a place to set the hot dish down without burning the surface I put it on. So together we came up with this idea - a double potholder when a section that connects them that can rest underneath the dish to protect the surface.

So we'll see what happens! The winners will be officially announced on the Prudent Baby blog next Monday, Valentine's Day!


  1. i love yours! i made a few because i had so many idea, but you're turned out so much more beautiful than mine. good luck!

  2. That is awesome!! I would definitely use something like that!

  3. Thank you ladies! I just realized that I was so excited to post this that I forgot to post the cost and update my project #s hehe... I'll do that later today!

  4. LOVE it!! That is beautiful and so functional...I would definitely use something like that. Can't wait to hear how the contest goes:)

  5. I love your blog and have chosen you for an award! Come visit me at to claim your award!

  6. LOVE this!! How cool!
    If you have a chance, would love for you to show it off at my linky party!

  7. LOVE IT!! i want one!! seriously!!!

  8. I could definitely make you one! I am planning on starting my Etsy business in the next couple of days, and I might actually sell a pattern for it so people can just make their own. Is that something you'd buy? Or would you prefer to buy the potholder itself?

  9. @CLewis and Haley - Sorry I didn't respond to your fun blog stuff sooner. I have been SO busy with school, etc. that I've hardly had time to sew. I'm so flattered that you would list me as a favorite blog and want me to show off my creation. It means a lot! So thank you! :)
